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The Three Pillars of Reiki Reiji-ho – Listen to Your Intuition

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  • Post last modified:22/11/2023

Reiki is a spiritual practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to promote healing and balance in the mind, body, and spirit. At the core of Reiki practice are the Three Pillars of Reiki – Gassho, Reiji-ho, and Chiryo – each of which is essential for deepening one’s understanding of Reiki and harnessing its healing power.

In this article, we will focus on Reiki Reiji-ho, one of the three pillars of Reiki, and explore how it can help practitioners connect with and enhance their innate intuition. By mastering Reiji-ho, practitioners can expand their healing abilities and access deeper levels of healing energy.

Key Takeaways

  • Reiji-ho is a technique within the practice of Reiki that allows practitioners to connect with and enhance their innate intuition.
  • Understanding the Three Pillars of Reiki, including Reiji-ho, is crucial for grasping the essence of Reiki practice.
  • Reiji-ho can be used to enhance Reiki sessions, providing practitioners with guidance and insight from their intuition.
  • Developing intuition through Reiji-ho can amplify the effectiveness of Reiki healing.
  • Reiji-ho can serve as a powerful tool for accessing spiritual insight and gaining a profound understanding of oneself and others.

Understanding the Three Pillars of Reiki

Reiki practice is based on three fundamental pillars: energy, intention, and connection to the universal life force. These pillars form the foundation of Reiji-ho and are vital for understanding the practice of Reiki. By cultivating an understanding of these principles, practitioners can deepen their Reiki practice and enhance their intuitive healing abilities.

Energy is the life force that flows through all living things. In Reiki practice, practitioners learn to harness this energy and channel it to bring about healing. By manipulating the energy that flows through the body, Reiki practitioners can release blockages and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Intention plays a crucial role in Reiki practice. Practitioners must set their intention to heal and align with the highest good of their clients. Intention is what directs the flow of energy and guides the healing process.

Connection to the universal life force is the third pillar of Reiki practice. Practitioners must tap into this universal life force to access the energy necessary for healing. This connection is established through specific Reiki symbols and mantras, which help practitioners access higher levels of energy.

Reiji-ho and the Three Pillars of Reiki

Reiji-ho is a technique within the practice of Reiki that allows practitioners to connect with and enhance their innate intuition. This technique involves using the three pillars of Reiki to access the practitioner’s intuition, providing guidance and insight into the healing process.

Central to Reiji-ho is the concept of energy. By manipulating the flow of energy, practitioners can tap into their intuition and gain insight into the underlying causes of their clients’ conditions. This technique requires practitioners to be fully present and aware of the energy flowing through themselves and their clients.

Intention is also an essential aspect of Reiji-ho. Practitioners must set their intention to connect with their intuition and gain insight into their clients’ needs. This intention directs the flow of energy and helps the practitioner access their intuition fully.

The final pillar of Reiki practice, connection to the universal life force, is integral to Reiji-ho. Practitioners must establish a connection with the universal life force to access the higher levels of energy necessary for intuitive guidance. This connection is facilitated through specific Reiki symbols and mantras, which help practitioners connect with the energy of the universe.

Principles of Reiki Reiji-ho

Reiki Reiji-ho is based on several fundamental principles that guide the practice. These principles include:

  • Releasing the ego
  • Being in the present moment
  • Focusing on the client as a whole
  • Trusting intuition
  • Allowing the energy to flow naturally

By embracing these principles, practitioners can deepen their Reiji-ho practice and access higher levels of intuitive guidance. Reiki Reiji-ho requires practitioners to release their ego and trust in their intuition fully. It involves being fully present and aware of the energy flowing through themselves and their clients, allowing the energy to flow naturally and unimpeded.

“To understand the Three Pillars of Reiki is to understand the essence of the Reiki practice. By mastering Reiji-ho and integrating it into their practice, practitioners can tap into their intuitive guidance and bring about profound transformation in their own lives and the lives of others.”

Exploring Reiji-ho in Reiki

Reiji-ho is a powerful technique within Reiki that can take practitioners’ healing abilities to the next level. This technique enables Reiki practitioners to connect with their intuition and receive guidance during healing sessions.

At its core, Reiji-ho is about developing an intuitive connection with the client and being receptive to any guidance that comes through. By opening themselves up to receiving this guidance, Reiki practitioners can enhance their ability to provide intuitive healing.

Reiki practitioners who utilize Reiji-ho can tap into a deeper level of healing energy by connecting with the client’s energy and receiving intuitive guidance. This technique has the potential to provide profound healing and transformative experiences for clients.

Reiki guidance is an essential aspect of Reiji-ho. Practitioners must learn how to recognize and follow their intuition to provide effective healing. This process can take time and practice to master, but the results are well worth the effort.

Intuitive healing involves balancing the energy centers within the body and releasing blockages. By incorporating Reiji-ho into Reiki healing sessions, practitioners can access their intuition and guide the healing process more effectively. This technique can help practitioners gain insight into what areas of the client’s body need healing and determine the most effective way to balance the client’s energy.

Reiji-ho is a valuable tool for those who wish to expand their intuitive healing abilities. By incorporating this practice into their Reiki sessions, practitioners can deepen their connection to their intuition and access higher levels of healing energy.

Developing Intuition through Reiji-ho

Reiji-ho is a powerful technique within Reiki that enhances practitioners’ innate intuition, allowing them to tap into deeper levels of healing energy. Developing intuition is a journey that requires patience, practice, and dedication, but the rewards are profound. To begin your journey towards honing your intuition with Reiji-ho, follow these steps:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware in the moment, without judgment. By cultivating mindfulness, you can begin to quiet your mind and tune in to your intuition. Practice mindfulness meditation for a few minutes each day to hone your awareness of your thoughts and feelings.
  2. Trust your gut: The more you listen to your intuition and act on it, the stronger it becomes. Trust your gut feelings and intuition in your daily life, even if it doesn’t always make logical sense. This will help you to increase your intuitive abilities and become more comfortable with trusting your inner guidance.
  3. Develop your senses: Intuition is often associated with the senses, so work on sharpening your senses to better tune into your intuition. Pay attention to the details in your environment, listen to the sounds around you, and take note of the sensations in your body.
  4. Connect with your inner self: Reiki practice emphasizes the importance of connecting with the universal life force energy, but it’s also important to connect with your inner self. Spend time in self-reflection and introspection to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your intuition.
  5. Practice Reiji-ho: Reiji-ho is a cornerstone technique for developing intuition in Reiki, so practice it often. Use Reiji-ho during Reiki sessions to guide your healing work and deepen your connection with your intuition.

By following these steps and dedicating yourself to practicing Reiji-ho, you can enhance your intuition and take your Reiki practice to the next level. Reiji-ho is a powerful tool for intuitive healing, so embrace the journey of developing your intuition and see how it transforms your Reiki practice.

Reiji-ho as a Pillar in Reiki Healing

Reiji-ho is an essential practice in Reiki healing, allowing practitioners to access their intuition and provide clients with deeper levels of healing. Through Reiji-ho, practitioners can connect with their clients’ energy and gain valuable insights into the root causes of their problems. This technique also helps practitioners detect changes in their clients’ energy, allowing them to adjust their healing approach accordingly.

As a pillar in Reiki healing, Reiji-ho is a critical component of any Reiki session. By integrating this technique into their practice, practitioners can tap into their intuition to access higher levels of healing energy and provide their clients with more effective healing.

Reiki Healing with Reiji-ho

Benefits of Reiji-ho in Reiki Healing Challenges in Integrating Reiji-ho in Reiki Healing
  • Creates a deeper connection to the client’s energy
  • Provides guidance for healing approach
  • Facilitates a more profound transformation
  • Requires mastery of Reiji-ho technique
  • Challenging to trust intuition fully
  • May be difficult to integrate Reiji-ho with other Reiki practices

As shown in the table above, there are many benefits to incorporating Reiji-ho into Reiki healing. However, mastering the Reiji-ho technique can be challenging, and practitioners must be willing to trust their intuition fully. Additionally, Reiji-ho may be difficult to integrate with other Reiki practices, requiring practitioners to adapt their approach to suit their clients’ needs.

Overall, Reiji-ho is a pillar in Reiki healing, providing practitioners with invaluable guidance and insight into their clients’ energy. By mastering this technique and integrating it into their practice, practitioners can access deeper levels of healing and facilitate powerful transformations.

Mastering Reiji-ho in Reiki

In order to master Reiji-ho within the context of Reiki, it is essential to understand the foundational concepts and principles that underpin this practice. Reiji-ho is a technique that relies heavily on intuition and connection to the universal life force, or ki. Therefore, one of the first steps in learning Reiji-ho is to develop an awareness of one’s own ki and how it interacts with the energies around us.

Practitioners should begin by cultivating a regular Reiki practice that emphasizes mindfulness, meditation, and connection to the energy of the universe. It is important to create a supportive and nurturing environment that allows for deep introspection and spiritual growth. Through consistent practice, practitioners can begin to hone their intuitive abilities and develop a heightened sensitivity to the energies they encounter.

Another important aspect of mastering Reiji-ho is to study the techniques and practices that are specific to this technique. This may involve working with a Reiki master or teacher who is experienced in Reiji-ho and can provide guidance and support. It is also important to read and research as much as possible about Reiji-ho and to be open to trying new techniques and methods.

Tip One effective way to enhance your Reiji-ho practice is to incorporate visualization techniques into your meditation. For example, you can visualize yourself connecting with your intuition and using it to guide your healing work.

Consistency and patience are key when it comes to mastering Reiji-ho. It may take time and effort to develop the skills and techniques necessary to use intuition effectively in healing work. However, the rewards are well worth the effort. With a deep connection to intuition and the ability to use it in healing work, practitioners can bring about profound transformation in their own lives and the lives of others.

Ultimately, mastering Reiji-ho in the context of Reiki involves cultivating a deep understanding of oneself and one’s relationship to the universe. By developing intuition and connecting with the universal energy that surrounds us, practitioners can tap into a powerful source of healing and transformation. With dedication, practice, and patience, practitioners can unlock the true potential of Reiji-ho and use it to bring about lasting change and healing.

Reiji-ho: Accessing Spiritual Insight through Reiki Guidance Techniques

Reiji-ho is a powerful practice within the Three Pillars of Reiki that enables practitioners to connect with their intuition and gain spiritual insight. By learning Reiji-ho, practitioners can tap into their inner guidance and access a deeper level of understanding and healing in their Reiki sessions.

Through Reiji-ho, practitioners can enter into a meditative state and receive guidance from their intuition. This technique involves placing the hands on or near the client’s body and allowing the practitioner’s intuition to guide them towards areas of the body that need healing energy.

Reiji-ho is a powerful tool for connecting with the spiritual dimensions of healing. It enables practitioners to gain a profound understanding of themselves and their clients, shedding light on issues and concerns that may be buried deep within the subconscious.

Reiki guidance techniques, such as Reiji-ho, help practitioners to trust their intuition and develop a deeper level of self-awareness. This practice allows practitioners to explore their own spiritual growth and connect with a higher power that exists beyond the physical realm.

Reiji-ho meditation for intuitive healing

Reiji-ho meditation can also be used to enhance intuitive healing abilities. By engaging in regular meditation practices, practitioners can deepen their connection to their intuition and develop a greater awareness of their inner guidance.

“Reiji-ho has been a transformative practice in my Reiki sessions. The guidance I receive through my intuition has allowed me to offer more personalized and effective healing to my clients.” – Reiki practitioner

Reiji-ho is a valuable tool for any Reiki practitioner seeking to deepen their connection to their intuition and the spiritual dimensions of healing. By incorporating Reiji-ho into their practice, practitioners can unlock the power of their inner guidance and experience a profound level of transformation and growth.

Reiji-ho Meditation for Intuitive Healing

If you’re looking to deepen your intuitive healing abilities, Reiji-ho meditation is a powerful practice to incorporate into your Reiki sessions. By cultivating a deeper understanding of your intuition and inner guidance, you can tap into higher levels of healing energy and facilitate profound transformation.

Reiji-ho meditation involves connecting with your intuition and visualizing the flow of Reiki energy through your body and into your client. To get started with Reiji-ho meditation, follow these steps:

  1. Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can meditate without any distractions.
  2. Sit comfortably with your hands in the Gassho position, with your palms together in front of your heart.
  3. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.
  4. Visualize yourself surrounded by a ball of white light, protecting and guiding you throughout your meditation.
  5. Focus your attention on your intuition and allow yourself to connect with your inner guidance.
  6. Visualize the flow of Reiki energy through your body and into your client, with your intuition guiding you to the areas that require healing.
  7. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you feel is necessary, allowing your intuition to guide you throughout the session.

By practicing Reiji-ho meditation regularly, you can develop your intuitive abilities and enhance your healing practice. Remember to trust your intuition and let it guide you to the areas that require healing. As you strengthen your intuitive capabilities, you’ll be able to tap into higher levels of healing energy and facilitate profound transformation in your clients.

“Reiji-ho meditation allows you to tap into higher levels of healing energy and facilitate profound transformation.”


The Three Pillars of Reiki, with a particular emphasis on Reiji-ho, offer practitioners a pathway to harness their innate intuition and enhance their healing abilities. By understanding and mastering Reiji-ho, practitioners can tap into their intuitive guidance and bring about profound transformation in their own lives and the lives of others. Embracing the Three Pillars of Reiki and integrating Reiji-ho into their practice allows practitioners to embark on a spiritual journey that bridges the physical and spiritual realms. Start your journey today and unlock the power of Reiji-ho.


What is Reiji-ho?

Reiji-ho is a technique within the practice of Reiki that allows practitioners to connect with and enhance their innate intuition. It enables practitioners to tap into their intuitive guidance and use it to guide their healing work.

How does Reiji-ho fit into the Three Pillars of Reiki?

Reiji-ho is one of the Three Pillars of Reiki. It serves as a crucial practice for developing and utilizing intuition in Reiki sessions. By incorporating Reiji-ho into their practice, Reiki practitioners can access deeper levels of healing and transformation.

How can I develop my intuition through Reiji-ho?

Developing intuition through Reiji-ho involves honing your intuitive abilities through specific practices and techniques. By strengthening your connection to your inner guidance, you can amplify the effectiveness of your healing work and deepen your understanding of Reiki.

How can Reiji-ho enhance Reiki healing?

Reiji-ho enhances Reiki healing by providing practitioners with intuitive guidance. By incorporating Reiji-ho into Reiki sessions, practitioners can tap into their intuition to access deeper levels of healing energy and bring about powerful transformations.

How can I master Reiji-ho in Reiki?

Mastering Reiji-ho in Reiki involves learning and refining the techniques and skills associated with this practice. By continuously honing your abilities, Reiji-ho becomes a natural and integrated part of your Reiki practice, allowing you to access your intuition with ease.

Can Reiji-ho provide spiritual insight?

Yes, Reiji-ho can serve as a powerful tool for accessing spiritual insight. By practicing Reiji-ho, practitioners can tap into deep intuitive guidance, gaining profound understanding of themselves and their clients, and connecting with the spiritual dimensions of their Reiki practice.

How can I use Reiji-ho for intuitive healing?

Reiji-ho meditation is a practice that can help you cultivate your intuitive healing abilities. By engaging in specific meditation techniques and exercises, you can deepen your connection with your intuition and access higher levels of healing energy, enhancing your intuitive healing capacities.