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Cho Ku Rei: A Comprehensive Guide

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  • Post last modified:27/11/2023

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on Cho Ku Rei, a powerful symbol used in Reiki healing. Whether you are new to the world of energy healing or a seasoned Reiki practitioner, this guide will provide you with a deeper understanding of the origins, uses, and advanced practices associated with Cho Ku Rei.

Cho Ku Rei is a symbol that holds great significance in the practice of Reiki healing. It is used to amplify and direct energy, promote healing and protection, and enhance spiritual growth. By incorporating this symbol into your Reiki practice, you can deepen your connection to the universal energy of Reiki and promote overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol used in Reiki healing.
  • It is used to amplify energy, promote healing, and enhance spiritual growth.
  • By incorporating Cho Ku Rei into your Reiki practice, you can deepen your connection to the universal energy of Reiki.
  • Advanced techniques using Cho Ku Rei can be utilized for deep physical and emotional healing.
  • The symbol also holds significance in Reiki attunements and can be used in distance healing.

Understanding the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

In Reiki healing, Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol used to amplify energy and promote healing. Its origins and meaning have been a topic of conversation and reflection amongst Reiki practitioners for decades. To truly understand the Cho Ku Rei symbol, we need to explore its history and origins.

The History and Origins of Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei is a Japanese term that translates to “Place the power of the universe here.” It is also known as the power symbol and is one of the most commonly used symbols in Reiki healing. Its origins are steeped in mystery, with many different theories about where it came from and how it was used.

One theory suggests that Cho Ku Rei was inspired by the sacred geometry found in ancient Egyptian and Tibetan cultures. Another theory suggests that it was created by Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of modern Reiki. Regardless of its origins, the Cho Ku Rei symbol has become an essential part of Reiki practice and is used by Reiki practitioners worldwide.

The Meaning Behind the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

At its core, Cho Ku Rei is a symbol of power and protection. It is believed to represent a universal source of energy that flows through all things, connecting them and providing them with life force energy. In Reiki healing, the Cho Ku Rei symbol is used to amplify this energy, directing it to where it is needed most.

The symbol itself consists of two parts – the spiral and the vertical line. The spiral is said to represent the energy that is being amplified, while the vertical line represents the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Reiki Sessions

If you are a Reiki practitioner, the Cho Ku Rei symbol can be a valuable tool to incorporate in your sessions. By using Cho Ku Rei in Reiki sessions, you can enhance the healing energy, balance the energy flow, and amplify your intentions.

A table below outlines some of the benefits of using Cho Ku Rei in healing:

Benefits of Using Cho Ku Rei in Healing
Balances energy flow
Amplifies intentions
Enhances overall well-being
Clears negative energy

Using Cho Ku Rei in Reiki sessions allows you to tap into the Universal energy and channel it for healing purposes. The symbol acts as a portal through which the energy can be directed and amplified.

During a Reiki session, you can draw Cho Ku Rei on your palms, and then place your hands on the client’s body to enhance the healing energy. You can also draw or visualize the symbol on specific areas of the body that require healing and balance.

In addition to using Cho Ku Rei in Reiki sessions, you can also incorporate it in your daily practice to promote energy balance and enhance your spiritual growth. By drawing or visualizing the symbol daily, you can harness its power for continuing healing and well-being.

Overall, incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Reiki sessions can provide numerous benefits for both the practitioner and the client, promoting balance, healing, and overall well-being. Consider adding this powerful symbol to your Reiki practice today.

Activating Cho Ku Rei in Reiki

Discover different ways to activate the power of Cho Ku Rei during Reiki practice. This symbol is used to amplify energy, promote healing, and protect against negative influences. Learning to activate and use this symbol effectively can take some practice, but with dedication, it can become a powerful tool in your Reiki toolkit.

The first step in activating Cho Ku Rei is to visualize the symbol in your mind’s eye. Close your eyes and imagine the symbol as vividly as possible. See it glowing brightly, surrounded by a powerful aura of energy.

Once you have a clear mental image of the symbol, draw it in the air in front of you. Use your dominant hand to draw the symbol in the air, moving your arm in a fluid motion. As you draw the symbol, imagine it becoming three-dimensional and filling the space around you with powerful energy.

You can also use Cho Ku Rei in combination with other symbols and techniques to enhance its power. For example, you can draw Cho Ku Rei in your palms before starting a Reiki session to activate your healing energy. Or you can visualize the symbol surrounding the person or object you are sending Reiki energy to, amplifying the healing energy and protecting against negative influences.

Remember, the key to activating Cho Ku Rei is to use your imagination and focus your intention. With practice, you can harness the power of this symbol to promote healing and well-being in yourself and others.

Visualization with Cho Ku Rei

Visualization is an important part of working with the Cho Ku Rei symbol. By using your imagination to visualize the symbol, you can amplify its energy and direct it towards specific intentions.

To use visualization with Cho Ku Rei, start by holding a clear intention in your mind. This could be a specific area of the body you want to heal, a person you want to send healing energy to, or an emotional issue you want to work through.

Once you have a clear intention, visualize the Cho Ku Rei symbol in your mind’s eye. See it glowing brightly and radiating powerful energy. Imagine this energy flowing towards your intention, filling it with healing, transformative energy.

You can also use visualization to draw Cho Ku Rei in the air or on specific parts of the body. For example, if you are working with a client who has a physical injury, you can draw the symbol on the affected area and visualize it healing and transforming the energy there.

Remember, visualization is a powerful tool, but it takes practice to master. Keep working with Cho Ku Rei and experimenting with different visualization techniques to find what works best for you.

Cho Ku Rei Meditation Techniques for Spiritual Growth

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is an incredibly powerful tool for promoting spiritual growth and transformation. By incorporating meditation techniques using this symbol, you can deepen your understanding and connection with its energy, and unlock new levels of personal growth and development.

One effective meditation technique involves visualizing the Cho Ku Rei symbol at the center of your being. As you focus on the symbol, allow its energy to radiate outward, filling your entire body with light and positivity. Visualize the energy of the symbol flowing through your chakras, purifying and energizing each center of energy. Allow this energy to connect you with the universal life force energy, and feel a sense of oneness with all that is.

Another powerful meditation technique involves using affirmations along with the Cho Ku Rei symbol. Repeat affirmations to yourself such as “I am pure light and energy,” “I am connected to the universal life force,” or “I am open to the transformational power of Cho Ku Rei.” As you focus on the symbol, allow the energy of the affirmations to sink into your subconscious, and feel yourself becoming more aligned with your highest self.

Through regular practice of these and other Cho Ku Rei meditation techniques, you can open yourself up to powerful spiritual growth and transformation. By connecting with this symbol on a deep level, you can tap into its energy and unlock new levels of insight, awareness, and consciousness.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Daily Practice

Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol that can be incorporated into your daily Reiki practice for continual healing and energy balance. By drawing and using the symbol regularly, you can promote overall well-being and protection from negative energies.

To draw Cho Ku Rei, visualize the symbol in your mind’s eye or draw it with your finger in the air or on a surface. You can also chant its name or write it down to solidify its presence.

Using Cho Ku Rei for protection and cleansing is another great way to incorporate the symbol into your daily practice. Visualize the symbol encompassing you or a specific object, space, or person, and intend for it to protect and cleanse from negative energy.

By making Cho Ku Rei a part of your daily ritual, you can tap into its transformative potential and enhance your energy mastery.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Daily Practice

Cho Ku Rei is a versatile symbol that can be incorporated into your daily practice to promote energy balance and healing. By using this symbol regularly, you can amplify your intentions, protect your energy field, and promote overall well-being.

One way to incorporate Cho Ku Rei in your daily practice is to draw the symbol on your body, either with your finger or with a pen on a piece of paper that you keep with you throughout the day. This can help you stay connected to the energy of the symbol and promote its benefits even when you are away from your Reiki practice.

Another way to use Cho Ku Rei in your daily practice is to visualize the symbol in your mind during meditation or other spiritual practices. Focus on the symbol and allow its energy to flow through you, promoting healing, balance, and clarity.

For those working in Reiki therapy, incorporating the Cho Ku Rei symbol into your sessions can enhance the efficacy of your treatments. By placing the symbol on or around the client, you can amplify the healing energy and promote deeper relaxation and healing.

Cho Ku Rei Symbol in Reiki Therapy

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is an integral part of Reiki therapy, and its use can help to enhance the healing energy of the practitioner. By incorporating this symbol into your Reiki sessions, you can promote healing on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

During a Reiki session, the practitioner may use the Cho Ku Rei symbol to amplify the healing energy, direct it to specific areas of the body, or protect the client’s energy field. By placing the symbol on or around the client, the practitioner can promote deeper relaxation and healing, and clear blockages or stagnant energy.

Additionally, the Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used to enhance the energy of other symbols used in Reiki therapy, such as Sei He Ki or Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. By drawing Cho Ku Rei and focusing on its energy, the practitioner can amplify the power of the other symbols and promote deeper healing and transformation.

incorporating Cho Ku Rei in daily practice

Cho Ku Rei in Distance Healing

In Reiki, distance healing is the practice of sending healing energy to someone who is not physically present. Cho Ku Rei can be a powerful tool in distance healing, amplifying and directing energy across space and time.

During distance healing, the practitioner uses their intention and visualization to send healing energy to the recipient. Cho Ku Rei can be used to enhance this process by amplifying the energy and focusing it on specific areas of the body or energy field.

To use Cho Ku Rei in distance healing, the practitioner can draw or visualize the symbol in their hands or in the space around them. They can then mentally direct the energy of the symbol to the recipient, using their intention to focus on specific areas of need.

It is important to note that distance healing should never be used as a replacement for medical treatment and should always be used in conjunction with professional medical care.

By incorporating Cho Ku Rei into distance healing practices, practitioners can enhance the effectiveness of their healing energy and provide greater support and balance to those in need.

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

If you’re a Reiki practitioner, you likely understand the transformative power of symbols in energy work. The Cho Ku Rei symbol is no exception – it has been used for centuries to amplify healing energy, promote well-being, and enhance spiritual growth. If you’re interested in teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol to others, it’s important to approach the process with care and intention.

The first step in teaching Cho Ku Rei is to ensure that you have a solid understanding of its origins, uses, and meaning. Take time to meditate with the symbol, and explore its significance in your own practice. You may also wish to research the history and context of the symbol, and become familiar with its use in different cultures and spiritual traditions.

Once you feel confident in your own understanding of Cho Ku Rei, you can begin to share it with others. Consider offering workshops or classes focused specifically on the symbol, or incorporating it into your existing Reiki training programs.

Empowering Others with Cho Ku Rei

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol can be a profoundly empowering experience for both you and your students. By sharing this powerful tool for healing and growth, you can help others to connect with their own inner wisdom and tap into the universal energy of Reiki.

When teaching Cho Ku Rei, it’s important to emphasize the importance of intention and mindfulness. Encourage your students to take time to meditate with the symbol, and to consider its meaning and significance in their own lives. Help them to develop techniques for visualizing and drawing the symbol, and guide them in incorporating it into their daily Reiki practice.

You may also wish to share stories and examples of how Cho Ku Rei has helped you and others in your own practice. By showcasing the power of the symbol in action, you can help your students to connect with its energy on a deeper level.

Advanced Practices with Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol that can be used for both physical and emotional healing. By incorporating advanced practices into your Reiki sessions, you can further enhance the energy flow and stimulate deep healing.

Cho Ku Rei for Physical Healing

To utilize Cho Ku Rei for physical healing, you can try the following technique:

  1. Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on the affected area of the body.
  2. Visualize a bright light emanating from the symbol, infusing the area with healing energy.
  3. You can hold your hands over the symbol and the affected area to enhance the energy flow.

Advanced Practices with Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei for Emotional Healing

Emotional healing can be achieved by incorporating Cho Ku Rei in your meditation practice:

  1. Visualize the Cho Ku Rei symbol in front of you.
  2. Envision the symbol expanding and filling your entire body and aura.
  3. Focus on the intention of emotional healing, allowing the symbol to infuse your energy field with positive energy.

“Incorporating Cho Ku Rei into your Reiki practice can lead to powerful transformations, both physically and emotionally.”

By incorporating these advanced practices with Cho Ku Rei into your Reiki practice, you can further amplify the energy flow and promote deep healing. Experiment with these techniques and explore the transformative potential of this powerful symbol.

Cho Ku Rei in Reiki Attunements

In Reiki attunements, Cho Ku Rei plays a significant role in empowering individuals with the ability to channel the universal energy of Reiki. This symbol is often used at the beginning and end of attunements to help activate and seal the energy flow.

During attunements, the Reiki master will guide the student in drawing and visualizing the Cho Ku Rei symbol. This helps to awaken and activate the energy centers in the body, allowing the student to receive and transmit Reiki energy.

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is also used to connect the student to the collective consciousness of Reiki practitioners around the world. This connection amplifies the energy flow and promotes a deeper sense of unity and oneness.

Through the use of Cho Ku Rei in attunements, individuals can become powerful channels of Reiki energy, capable of promoting healing and well-being in themselves and others. With this symbol, they can tap into the infinite power of the universe and use it for the highest good.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Reiki attunements is a powerful way to activate and connect with the energy of universal consciousness. By drawing and visualizing this symbol, Reiki practitioners can deepen their connection to the Reiki energy and become more effective healers.

As you explore the world of Cho Ku Rei and its many uses in Reiki healing, remember its significance in Reiki attunements. It is a symbol of empowerment, connection, and infinite potential.


In conclusion, Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol in the world of Reiki healing. Its origins, uses, and influence are vast and profound. By understanding and incorporating this symbol into your practice, you can enhance your energy mastery and promote healing and well-being in yourself and others.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the meaning and symbolism of Cho Ku Rei, as well as techniques for activating and utilizing its energy. We have also delved into advanced practices, meditation techniques, and its significance in Reiki attunements.

Remember, the benefits of Cho Ku Rei extend beyond just Reiki sessions. You can incorporate this symbol into your daily routine, use it in distance healing, or teach it to others and empower them with its transformative potential.

Start exploring the world of Cho Ku Rei today and discover the limitless possibilities for healing, spiritual growth, and energy mastery. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the power of Reiki healing and the Cho Ku Rei symbol.

Keywords: Cho Ku Rei, Reiki healing, energy mastery


What is Cho Ku Rei?

Cho Ku Rei is a powerful symbol in Reiki healing. It is used to amplify energy, promote healing, and facilitate spiritual growth.

What is the history and origin of Cho Ku Rei?

The history and origins of Cho Ku Rei are rooted in ancient Japanese traditions and the practice of Reiki. It has been passed down through generations as a sacred symbol of energy and healing.

How can I incorporate Cho Ku Rei in my Reiki sessions?

Cho Ku Rei can be incorporated in your Reiki sessions by visualizing or drawing the symbol on the client’s body or in the room. It helps balance energy and enhances the healing process.

How do I activate Cho Ku Rei in my Reiki practice?

Activating Cho Ku Rei involves visualizing the symbol and invoking its energy. You can trace it with your hand or imagine it glowing with light to activate its power.

Are there any meditation techniques using Cho Ku Rei?

Yes, there are meditation techniques that involve focusing on the Cho Ku Rei symbol to deepen your connection with it and promote spiritual growth and self-transformation.

How can I use Cho Ku Rei for protection and cleansing?

Cho Ku Rei can be used for protection and cleansing by visualizing the symbol around yourself or a specific space. It helps to clear negative energy and create a harmonious environment.

How can I incorporate Cho Ku Rei into my daily practice?

You can incorporate Cho Ku Rei into your daily practice by drawing or visualizing the symbol in the morning, setting intentions with it throughout the day, and using it for self-healing or balancing energy.

Can Cho Ku Rei be used in distance healing?

Yes, Cho Ku Rei can be used in distance healing. It can assist in directing and amplifying healing energy across space and time, making it a powerful tool for remote healing.

How can I teach and attune others to the Cho Ku Rei symbol?

Teaching and attuning others to the Cho Ku Rei symbol involves sharing its meaning and significance, as well as guiding individuals in connecting with its energy and incorporating it into their Reiki practice.

Are there advanced practices with Cho Ku Rei?

Yes, there are advanced practices with Cho Ku Rei that go beyond basic usage. These practices explore its potential for deep physical and emotional healing.

What is the significance of Cho Ku Rei in Reiki attunements?

Cho Ku Rei plays a vital role in Reiki attunements as it is used to empower and connect individuals to the universal energy of Reiki, enabling them to channel healing energy.