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5 Usui Reiki Symbols Power

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  • Post last modified:26/11/2023

Reiki, an ancient Japanese practice, is centered around the belief that energy flows through all living things. By channeling this energy, Reiki practitioners aim to promote healing and balance in the mind, body, and spirit. The practice involves the use of symbols, each with its own unique meaning and purpose, including the power symbol.

Of the 5 Usui Reiki Symbols Power symbol, also known as Cho Ku Rei in Japanese, is the first one you will more than likely learn about. It is believed to amplify energy and promote balance, making it a valuable tool for personal transformation and healing.

By learning how to activate and use the power symbol, Reiki practitioners can enhance their ability to channel energy and promote healing in themselves and others. This symbol can be incorporated into daily practice, as well as used in distance healing sessions and meditation.

Key Takeaways:

  • The power symbol is one of the 5 Usui Reiki symbols and is believed to amplify energy and promote balance.
  • By incorporating the power symbol into Reiki practice, practitioners can enhance their ability to channel energy and promote healing.
  • The power symbol can be used in daily practice, distance healing sessions, and meditation.
  • Learning how to activate and use the power symbol can be a valuable tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth.
  • The power symbol has a rich history in Usui Reiki and has been passed down through generations of practitioners.

Understanding the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

As mentioned in the previous section, the Cho Ku Rei symbol is one of the five Usui Reiki symbols and holds significant importance in energy healing and personal transformation. In this section, we will explore the meaning and usage of the Cho Ku Rei symbol in greater detail.

Cho Ku Rei symbol meaning: The Cho Ku Rei symbol is often referred to as the power symbol, and it is used to amplify and focus energy during Reiki practice. The symbol is believed to represent various concepts, such as protection, purification, and manifestation.

Activating Cho Ku Rei in Reiki: To activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol during Reiki practice, practitioners are taught to draw the symbol with their dominant hand over the area of the body that requires healing or focus. The symbol can also be drawn in the air to create an energetic field around the body.

Understanding Cho Ku Rei usage: The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used in a variety of ways during Reiki practice. One common way is to draw the symbol above or around the body to increase the energy flow and promote balance. The symbol can also be used for protection during energy work or to clear negative energy from a space.

“The Cho Ku Rei symbol is believed to represent various concepts, such as protection, purification, and manifestation.”

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool for Reiki practitioners and can bring about significant positive changes in people’s lives. In the next section, we will discuss the specific benefits of incorporating this symbol in healing sessions.

Benefits of Cho Ku Rei in Healing

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool for promoting healing and balance in the body and mind. By incorporating this symbol into your Reiki practice, you can tap into its various benefits and enhance your overall well-being.

Cho Ku Rei for Balancing Energy

One of the primary benefits of using the Cho Ku Rei symbol is its ability to balance energy. By activating this symbol, you can increase the flow of healing energy throughout the body, helping to clear blockages and restore balance to the chakras. The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be particularly useful in addressing issues related to stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances, helping to promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Daily Practice

Another benefit of the Cho Ku Rei symbol is its versatility. This symbol can be easily incorporated into your daily Reiki practice, allowing you to access its healing properties whenever you need them. You can incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol into your morning meditation practice, place it on a piece of paper under your pillow at night, or simply activate it in your mind whenever you feel the need for extra healing and support.

Benefits of Cho Ku Rei in Healing

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be applied in a variety of ways to promote healing. In addition to balancing energy, this symbol can aid in cleansing the body of toxins and promoting overall well-being. By incorporating Cho Ku Rei into your Reiki sessions, you can enhance the healing effects of your practice and promote long-term health and vitality.

Overall, the Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool for promoting healing and balance in the body and mind. By incorporating this symbol into your daily Reiki practice, you can tap into its various benefits and enhance your overall well-being.

Meditation with the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

Using the Cho Ku Rei symbol in meditation practices can be a powerful tool for enhancing your spiritual growth and healing journey. The symbol’s energy amplification qualities promote deep relaxation and connection with the universal life force energy.

Here are some visualization techniques to try during your meditation with the Cho Ku Rei symbol:

  • Grounding: Visualize yourself rooted firmly to the earth, like a tree. Feel the earth’s energy flowing up into your body.
  • Protection: Visualize a cocoon of white light surrounding your body, protecting you from negative energies.
  • Amplification: Visualize yourself surrounded by a bright, golden light that grows stronger with each breath.

You can also incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol into your meditation practice. Visualize the symbol in front of you or above your head, and allow its energy to flow into your body. Focus on its power to amplify energy and promote balance.

Remember to always set your intention before beginning your meditation, and allow yourself to fully surrender to the healing energy of the Cho Ku Rei symbol.

“Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Cho Ku Rei in Distance Healing

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance distance healing sessions. When incorporated into Reiki attunements, it can amplify energy and connect the practitioner with the recipient’s energy field.

During a distance healing session, the practitioner can visualize the Cho Ku Rei symbol over the recipient’s body, as a way to channel healing energy towards them. This can aid in cleansing and balancing the energy centers, promoting overall well-being.

Incorporating the Cho Ku Rei symbol in distance healing sessions can also aid in protection, creating a safe and healing space for the recipient. It can be particularly useful for those who may be experiencing emotional or physical distress, as it can help to soothe and calm the nervous system.

For Reiki practitioners, it is recommended to incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol in all distance healing sessions, as a way to deepen and amplify the healing effects. It can also be useful to incorporate this symbol in personal meditation practices, as a way to connect with the universal life force energy and promote spiritual growth.

Benefits of Cho Ku Rei in Distance Healing:
Amplifies healing energy
Cleanses and balances energy centers
Offers protection and creates a safe space for healing
Can aid in soothing emotional and physical distress

To fully harness the power of the Cho Ku Rei symbol in distance healing, it is important to receive proper training and attunement from a Reiki Master. This can ensure that the symbol is used correctly and effectively, promoting optimal healing outcomes for both the practitioner and the recipient.

History of Cho Ku Rei in Usui Reiki

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is one of the five Usui Reiki symbols which has been in use since the early days of its discovery. The symbol was taught to students of Usui Reiki by its founder, Mikao Usui, as a tool to amplify energy and promote deeper healing effects.

The symbol has since been passed down through generations of Reiki practitioners and remains an essential component of Reiki healing practice. The Cho Ku Rei symbol is often used in conjunction with other Usui Reiki symbols, such as the Power symbol, for optimal healing outcomes.

Origins of the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

The origins of the Cho Ku Rei symbol are unclear, but it is believed to have roots in ancient Sanskrit and Tibetan symbols. Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, is said to have discovered the symbol during his spiritual quest for enlightenment and healing in the early 1920s.

“The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool for amplifying energy and promoting deeper healing effects.”

Usui is believed to have integrated the symbol into his practice of spiritual healing and began teaching it to his students as a way to enhance the power of Reiki. Since then, the Cho Ku Rei symbol has become a cornerstone of Usui Reiki practice and is widely used by practitioners around the world.

Symbolism and Meaning

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is often referred to as the “power symbol” due to its ability to amplify energy and promote greater healing effects. The symbol is made up of several elements, including a spiral, a cross, and a vertical line, which are believed to represent various aspects of universal energy.

The spiral in the center of the symbol is thought to represent the flow of energy, while the vertical line symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth. The cross in the lower half of the symbol is believed to represent balance and harmony.

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol to Reiki students is an important part of Usui Reiki practice. Students are taught to draw the symbol with their hands and visualize its meaning and significance.

Effective techniques for teaching the symbol include repetition, visualization exercises, and hands-on practice. Students are encouraged to incorporate the symbol into their daily Reiki practice to deepen their understanding of its power and potential.

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

If you’re a Reiki practitioner, teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol to your students is an essential part of their training. This symbol is a powerful tool for amplifying energy, promoting balance, and enhancing spiritual growth. Here are some tips for effectively communicating the importance and usage of this symbol:

  1. Explain the meaning: Before diving into the practical applications of Cho Ku Rei, make sure to explain its meaning and significance in Usui Reiki. Help your students understand the symbol’s role in promoting healing, balance, and spiritual growth.
  2. Provide guided practice: Offer plenty of hands-on practice with the Cho Ku Rei symbol to help your students get comfortable with using it. You can guide them through meditation exercises or Reiki sessions to help them feel its effects firsthand.
  3. Show various techniques: Demonstrate different ways to use the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Reiki sessions. This can include incorporating it into hand positions or using it for protection and energy amplification.
  4. Encourage questions: Reiki students may have questions about the Cho Ku Rei symbol and its usage. Encourage them to ask questions and clarify any confusion they may have.

Remember that teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol is an important responsibility as a Reiki practitioner. By effectively communicating its meaning and usage, you can empower your students to enhance their healing abilities and reach new levels of spiritual growth.

Teaching the Cho Ku Rei symbol

Advanced Practices with Cho Ku Rei

Utilizing the Cho Ku Rei symbol in advanced Reiki practices can lead to deeper healing experiences and increased spiritual growth. Here are some techniques to explore:

Technique Description
Multiple Symbols Try using Cho Ku Rei in combination with other Reiki symbols, such as the emotional symbol or the distance symbol, to amplify their effects.
Chakra Balancing Place Cho Ku Rei on each chakra, focusing on the energy center and allowing the symbol to promote balance and release blockages.
Aura Cleansing Visualize Cho Ku Rei expanding outward, cleansing the auric field of negative energy and promoting overall well-being.
Intention Setting Use Cho Ku Rei to infuse your intentions with energetic power, enhancing their manifestation and bringing your desires into reality.

By exploring these advanced techniques and incorporating Cho Ku Rei into your Reiki practice, you can deepen your connection with the symbol and unlock its full potential for healing and transformation.

Cho Ku Rei Symbol for Empowerment

The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and empowerment. Incorporating this symbol into your Reiki practice can help you connect with your inner strength and unleash your full potential.

By visualizing the Cho Ku Rei symbol during meditation and healing sessions, you can tap into its energy and use it to promote balance and harmony in your life. The symbol’s upward and downward spirals represent the connection between heaven and earth, reminding us of our own interconnectedness with the universe.

When used for empowerment, the Cho Ku Rei symbol helps to boost confidence and courage. It can help you overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk, allowing you to approach life’s challenges with a sense of inner strength and resilience.

One technique for using the Cho Ku Rei symbol for empowerment is to visualize it surrounding you, creating a protective shield that shields you from negative energy and amplifies your own positive energy. You can also try drawing the symbol on your palms or forehead during meditation, allowing its energy to flow through you and invigorate your entire being.

Cho Ku Rei symbol for empowerment

“The Cho Ku Rei symbol reminds us that we have the power to create positive change in our lives and the world around us. By incorporating this symbol into our Reiki practice, we can awaken our inner strength and embrace our full potential.”

Usui Reiki Power Symbol Techniques

Working with the Usui Reiki power symbol can enhance the energetic flow and amplify healing potential in Reiki sessions. Here are some techniques for incorporating this symbol:

  1. Breathing exercises: Before beginning a session, take a few deep breaths and visualize the power symbol in your mind’s eye. Inhale and draw the symbol towards you, exhale and push it outwards, filling the room with its energy.
  2. Chanting: Use the power symbol’s mantra “Cho-Ku-Rei” as a chant to activate its energy. Repeat it silently or aloud while drawing or visualizing the symbol.
  3. Visualization: Picture the power symbol on the palms of your hands, in your third eye chakra, or surrounding the recipient. Focus on its energy and allow it to flow through you and into the session.
  4. Crystal grids: Place crystals in a grid formation and activate the power symbol to charge and amplify their energy. Use it to create a protective shield around the grid.
  5. Aura cleansing: Draw the power symbol over the recipient’s body to cleanse and purify their energy field.
  6. Distance healing: Use the power symbol to connect with a recipient’s energy from afar, visualizing it surrounding them and sending healing energy.

Experiment with these techniques and find what works best for you and your practice. The power symbol holds infinite potential for enhancing Reiki energy and promoting healing.

Incorporating Cho Ku Rei in Usui Reiki Sessions

When incorporating the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Usui Reiki sessions, it’s essential to understand its significance and purpose. This symbol is often used at the beginning of a healing session to activate energy and create a strong, protective shield around the recipient.

Before starting the session, place your hands together in front of your heart and draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on top of them with your finger. Then, visualize the symbol expanding and filling the space around you and the recipient with healing energy.

During the session, you can use the symbol to amplify the energy flowing through your hands. You may draw the symbol on various parts of the recipient’s body to activate its healing properties.

Remember to trust your intuition and use the Cho Ku Rei symbol as you see fit. You may find that it’s most effective when used in conjunction with other symbols or healing techniques.

After the session, take a moment to draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on top of your hands once again, thanking it for its healing properties and sending it back out into the universe.

For those who have been attuned to the Cho Ku Rei symbol, it’s an essential tool for promoting balance and healing in Reiki sessions. By incorporating this symbol into your practice, you can tap into its powerful energy and support your clients on their healing journeys.


In conclusion, the Cho Ku Rei symbol is a powerful tool that can be utilized in a variety of ways within the practice of Usui Reiki. Through its use, individuals can enhance energy flow, promote healing, and achieve spiritual growth and empowerment.

By understanding the meaning and applications of the Cho Ku Rei symbol, Reiki practitioners can incorporate it into their daily practice, distance healing sessions, and advanced energy work. Techniques such as visualization and meditation can further amplify the symbol’s power and effectiveness.

Overall, the Cho Ku Rei symbol serves as a reminder of the limitless potential of energy and the transformative power of Reiki. By integrating it into our practice, we can enhance our abilities as healers and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the universe.


What are the 5 Usui Reiki symbols?

The 5 Usui Reiki symbols are the power symbol, mental/emotional symbol, distant symbol, master symbol, and harmony symbol.

What is the significance of the power symbol in Reiki?

The power symbol is used to amplify energy and promote balance in Reiki sessions. It helps enhance the flow of healing energy and increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

How do I activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Reiki?

To activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol, simply draw it in the air or visualize it in your mind while intending for it to be activated. You can also say its name out loud to enhance its energetic presence.

What are the benefits of using the Cho Ku Rei symbol in healing?

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can aid in balancing energy, cleansing, and promoting overall well-being. It is also believed to increase the power of other Reiki symbols, making it a valuable tool in healing sessions.

How can I incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol into my daily Reiki practice?

You can incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol by drawing it on your palms before starting a self-treatment or visualizing it around you to create a healing energy field. You can also use it to infuse objects, food, or water with Reiki energy.

How can I utilize the Cho Ku Rei symbol in meditation?

You can use the Cho Ku Rei symbol in meditation by visualizing it in front of you or drawing it in the air while focusing on its energy. This can help enhance your meditation experience and deepen your connection to Reiki energy.

Can I use the Cho Ku Rei symbol in distance healing?

Yes, the Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used in distance healing sessions. You can send the symbol to a specific person or situation by visualizing it or drawing it on a representation of the recipient. It helps connect with their energy and channel Reiki healing remotely.

What is the history of the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Usui Reiki?

The Cho Ku Rei symbol has been a part of Usui Reiki since its inception. It is believed to have originated with Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, and has been passed down through generations of Reiki practitioners.

How can I teach the Cho Ku Rei symbol to others?

To teach the Cho Ku Rei symbol, you can explain its meaning, draw it for your students, and guide them in activating and using it. It is important to emphasize its significance and offer practical tips for incorporating it into their Reiki practice.

Are there advanced practices I can explore with the Cho Ku Rei symbol?

Yes, there are advanced techniques and practices that can be used with the Cho Ku Rei symbol. These may involve more intricate energy work, such as using it to clear blockages or transform negative energy patterns. It is important to seek guidance from an experienced Reiki practitioner when delving into advanced practices.

How can the Cho Ku Rei symbol empower me?

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can empower you by fostering a sense of personal growth and self-confidence. Its energy can uplift and support you on your spiritual journey, helping you tap into your inner power and potential.

What are some techniques for working with the power symbol in Usui Reiki?

Some techniques for working with the power symbol include drawing it with intention on the areas of the body that need healing, using it to energize objects or crystals, and visualizing it to infuse your Reiki practice with amplified healing energy.

When should I incorporate the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Usui Reiki sessions?

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be incorporated at any stage of a Reiki session. It can be used at the beginning to set the intention and enhance the healing energy, during the session to increase the power of other symbols or techniques, or at the end to seal and complete the treatment.